
Mindful Microdosing Method

A 12-Week Journey Helping Veterans, First Responders And Trauma Survivors To Finally Break Free From Depression & Anxiety



There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?

— Rumi

Our Mindful Microdosing Method Helps You To

  • It’s not secret that many people are put on SSRI’s and other prescription medication to deal with symptoms of PTSD and TBI.

    Unfortunately, this is often a bandaid solution that does not tackle the root issue. Microdosing has been proven to be helpful in weaning off SSRI’s for good and minimize the side effects that come with it.

    We will work closely with you to help you slowly wean off your medication and establish a strong foundation to thrive without medication.

  • We take a close look at your current schedule and routines and work together to optimize your day-to-day life. Using the medicine as a support, you will develop stronger habits and routines that will help you thrive during the program and beyond.

  • Microdosing helps you to connect to inner peace and forgiveness. No matter what happened in the past, this is an opportunity for you to rewrite your story and become the author of your own life.

  • Our program is built on support and connection. In addition to lots of 1:1 support, you also become part of a like-minded community that are on the healing journey with you.

    We also bring in highly knowledgeable guest mentors to support you on your journey.

The Results of Mindful Microdosing


12 Weeks- Worth A Lifetime

$1750 USD
1250$ USD (Veterans & First Responders)

Bring your spouse/partner along the journey for 50% of the investment

The Mindful Microdosing Method is our signature offering to provide in-depth support and guidance throughout an entire cycle of microdosing. This is not your typical cookie-cutter approach but a highly individualized journey tailored to your desired outcome. Over the course of 12 weeks you will establish new habits and beliefs that will last a lifetime.

Please note that we do not sell any substances.

    • detailed health screening to ensure that working with plant medicine is a safe choice for you right now

    • detailed intake assessment to understand the challenges you face & come up with the best plan for you

    • personal onboarding & ongoing support zoom calls throughout your journey with us

    • weekly chat check-ins

    • easy to follow online modules to guide you on your journey - week by week

    • specialized mindfulness practices, journaling prompts, meditations and more to help you connect to yourself and the medicine in a new way

    • 6 group calls (every other week) to connect with your peers and learn from guest speakers in the veteran community

    • group chat support

    • exclusive spousal support chat group

  • Embarking on this journey will radically change and transform your life - it will also have a big impact on your family and relationship dynamics.

    We invite your spouse to join you on the journey and go through this big transformation with you - at 50% of the cost.

    In addition to all the resources, we have an exclusive spousal support chat group - for all spouses/partners of participants to help support you better throughout this new chapter and beyond.

Your Support Network

The Roadmap to Success

Remember who you are

It has been said that anxiety is suffering associated with the future, depression is suffering associated with the past, and confusion is suffering associated with the present.

How often do you find yourself feeling anxious and overwhelmed, obsessing over future possibilities? Or ruminating on the past, laying awake at night replaying everything you’ve said and done that you regret? Or perhaps you find yourself drifting, feeling unfocused, unmotivated, and uncreative.

To us, Mindful Microdosing is not just another “solution” that promises to take these feelings away.

Indeed, we do not see psilocybin even as a drug, but rather as Medicine with a capital M.

And in this way, the Medicine that Mindful Microdosing offers does not cure you of being sick, broken or screwed up. Rather, the Medicine reminds you of what you truly are, and always have been despite the lies you may have accepted for years.

The Medicine invites you to return to a state of wellness, wholeness, and clarity of purpose, while your facilitators will help you to uncover and adhere to your own unique path to get there.

The process is simple, but not easy…

1 ) We start with a deep dive

In many native cultures, it is believed that no one can be healed until they answer the three most important questions:

Why are you here? Where did you come from? Who are you?

After all, without an understanding of how you came to need improvement, how could you ever improve?

We will identify key beliefs, behaviors, and routines that need to change in order to bring about the transformation you seek.

And we will help you develop an understanding of how these things may have served you in the past so you can begin to cultivate empathy and compassion for yourself in place of self-judgment and self-scorn, allowing you to let go of these beliefs and behaviors as you move towards the life you want to live.

2) We create a plan unique to you

With an understanding of how you came to be who you are, you can begin to create a new vision of who you want to be.

Together, we will lay out a roadmap for you to reshape your mindset and overhaul your habits to start living the life you know you are capable of.

Over the course of the 12 weeks, you will be introduced to a variety of tools and practices that will help you in your transformation. You will receive personalized guidance on how to use microdosing with intention, building it into your day as part of a sacred ritual of self-improvement.

3) We track and dial in

There is a saying in the business world that “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”

Part of the unique process of Mindful Microdosing is a system of tracking your habits, mood, medicine use and more so that you can gain a deeper understanding of what is working for you and what is not.

You gain clarity on what factors actually drive your happiness, creativity and fulfillment in life so you know where to focus your efforts.

This allows us to also re-evaluate your plan after your first month of microdosing, and understand where your continued work lies so that you can keep moving forward without having to rely on using the medicine.


  • Microdosing is the practice of taking a subperceptual dose of a psychedelic (such as psilocybin mushrooms) for mental health & personal wellness purposes.

    While there are some widely used “protocols” that you can find information on, these were developed primarily to standardize the process of researching their effects in scientific studies, and not necessarily because they are the best method for all people.

    The journey of microdosing is a very personal one. To get the best benefits and make long-lasting changes, microdosing is most effective when approached as part of a holistic practice in combination with other mindfulness techniques with expert guidance and accountability.

  • In a word, yes. Psilocybin has been used for thousands of years for healing and ceremonial purposes all over the world.

    Recent research has established that there are no known contraindications for microdosing, and that it is safe to combine with most medical conditions and medications.

    While some people may come to rely on psychedelics as a “crutch” - something completely mitigated by the additional practices and support provided within Mindful Microdosing - there are no addictive qualities associated with psychedelics.

    Unlike other “safe” drugs like many pharmaceuticals or alcohol, there is also no knonw risk of overdose with psychedelics.

    it is important to note, however, that larger doses of psychedelics do have some associated risks. Dangerous chemcial interactions may occur with certain drugs such as SSRIs, and other disorders such as bipolar or schizophrenia carry unique psychological risks for harm as well.

  • Recent research is largely confirming the anectodal claims of health benefits that have existed for years. You can find a selection of resources and research to check out here or just do a quick search on Google Scholar for research articles about it.

    While everyone’s experience will vary, here as some of the benefits and changes that our clients are reporting:

    • weaning off of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication after a decade of use

    • effortless curbing alcohol intake after years of drinking, as the desire has simply fallen away

    • feeling less reactive and agitated towards stressful events at work and home

    • accessing creativity and passion that has been dormant or even suppressed for years

    • feeling less depressed and more hopeful about their future for the first time in decades

    • feeling more creative and focused at work

    Microdosing works best when combined with other mindfulness and transformational practices. That is why we don’t just provide the best protocol and dosage for you, but also help you to build a strong foundation of healthy habits and being able to access and work with your inner tools to make changes that will last a lifetime.

    Remember that you are not broken, and microdosing is not meant to fix you. You may notice changes on the first day of your regimen, but this is certainly not a “quick fix.”

    The work required to change is yours and yours alone. But when used correctly, microdosing can be a powerful catalyst to help you to transform yourself.

  • No. The intention of microdosing is to work with subperceptual dosages over an extended period of time. When used properly, a “subperceptual” dose means you will not notice that you have taken a substance until you reflect back on your day and realize that you were happier, less stressed or less anxious than you normally were in the past.

    This is very different from recreational use and has nothing to do with “feeling high” or “feeling trippy.” However, just because you don’t feel a noticeable difference, doesn’t mean that it’s not working. The medicine often works in very subtle ways, helping you feel more connected and at peace with yourself.

    Many people report a gentle “lift” in the mood about 45 - 60 min after taking the microdose and then flowing through the day feeling more balanced and connected. The Mindful Microdosing program includes practices to help you keep track of journey so you take stock of these subtle changes over time.

  • We do not sell or provide medicine. Access to microdosing options depends on your location and the respective state and government regulations, and we do not encourage anyone to violate their local laws.

    Our Mindful Microdosing program is an online membership and community that guides you on the path of intentional plant medicine should you choose to walk it.

    We are happy to talk with you about options for your location. If you’re not sure if microdosing is accessible to you, you can schedule a free consultation call with us and we will do our best to provide you with resources and alternatives.

Please note that we do not have any substances/medicines included in the membership and are not selling any substances/medicines. Our Mindful Microdosing Membership is an online service offering educational and mindfulness resources as well as personalized and community support. We do not offer legal or medical advice.